Android Duplicate Photos Fixer-A Handy Tool to Organize Your Picture Gallery!

Technological advancements have made all of us ‘storage-cravy’. MB’s GB’s or Tb’s we just don’t get enough of it! What adds more fuss is duplicate files. Our smartphones often get cluttered with a lot of redundant data. There are times when a single picture is saved for like 5-7 times in image gallery occupying unnecessary storage space on our device. If you plan on manually searching the entire camera roll to delete each and every single duplicate picture, that proves to be a tedious task.

Well, don’t worry you can save all your manual efforts by using Systweak Softwares’ Duplicate Photo Fixer. Duplicate Photos Fixer is an intuitive and handy app. It scans your phone for duplicate and similar looking photos in no time. Once scanned, the app will show all detected duplicate and replica photos on the results page from where you can delete them. Before you make any decision, we thought of giving you a brief overview of the app and try to help you make a fair decision.C:\Users\330B95~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DI47.321\cover image.pngScanning Options:

The app offers various scanning options named as ‘Camera Images’, ‘Full Scan’ and ‘Select Folder’. If you choose to scan your phone with Camera Images, only duplicates within your camera roll folder will be detected. On the other hand, Full Scan option will scan your entire phone and will detect every duplicate or similar looking photo. Lastly the Select Folder will scan any specific folder which you choose.

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Pick your option and click on Scan for duplicates. It will start scanning for duplicate photo files on your device and will display the results. You can further delete the files based on the results found.


Matching Level:

By using this option, you manually select the matching level of your pictures ranging from Low to high. The default value for matching level stands at 91% whereas you can set low value at 86% and High value up to 99.99%.

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Duplicate Photos Fixer


This app supports different languages to help people around the world. Select the language of your choice to make search instantly.


Clear Cache:

The app not only deletes the duplicates but clears cache too! You can find this option under the Settings Tab. Simply tap on the three doted stack, you’ll see an option ‘Clear Cache’. Tap on it and proceed to clear cache on your phone created with this app.


You can “Unmark All” groups from results to select it manually. Further, you can delete groups of your choice.

Duplicate Photos fixer is an effective tool to find and remove duplicate photos accurately from your device. It provides instant results thus you can save your time and efforts of manually finding all duplicate files on your device. The app offers most advanced features making it a best duplicate photo finder tool.

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So what are you waiting for? Duplicate photos Fixer is available for all Platforms-Windows, Mac, Android and iOS.

Download now!

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