About Us

Welcome to Technology sage

Am glad you found time to look at our website. Here is Where Tech Intuitions Meet Practicality. Let me start by breaking down this word TechnologySage for you. Technology is world widely known to almost all the people around. You landed on this page because probably you are looking for a solution to a technological problem concerning computers, laptops, software, games android phones or maybe get some insight on the trends in the modern technological world. The term SAGE; means a wise person or a spiritual teacher; a man or woman of gravity and wisdom, especially a teacher venerable for years and of sound judgment and prudence. Synonyms to the word Sage are; pundit, deep thinker, egghead, and intellectual.
Hence, therefore, this website; http://www.technologysage.com/ encompasses a group of technology pundits and of like-minded bloggers who want to live an internet life by following their passion and in the process helping out millions with the problems they face daily in their operations. We are here to offer you;
    • The much-needed technology advice on the trends in the technological fields.
    • The technology solutions to the technology related issues concerning computers, smartphones, televisions and many more.
  • Detailed tutorials on how to set up and use some of the software in the market today
  • Solutions to problems arising as a result of using such software.
  • A comprehensive insight on the technological trends.
  • Amazing and never heard before tricks and ideas on computers and smartphones.
  • Amazing latest inventions and reviews on mobile phones, games, computers, software and apps
  • THE LIST IS LONG. Take time to browse our website for such information about us and many more.
TechnologySage was born on July 7th 2014 as a technology solutions blog initially hosted on blogspot. Our journey forward from there found us covering every aspect of technology related matters, and our blog got the much-needed positive response. This site is most popular among all age brackets as almost all the people in this world today are either directly or indirectly exposed to technology.
The person behind this blog;
My name is Jeff Nali, and I am the creator and founder of TechnologySage.  I grew up with a passion
for technology and always wanted a platform to learn and share my skills. My passion pushed me to do a course in Computer science and had to find a platform to share the great ideas I acquired in school and some that are self-taught. When I first released TechnologySage into the blogosphere, I had no idea where I was heading.  But in six months since that time, TechnologySage skyrocketed into one of the foremost technology blogs.
About Me:
Hello Technology Pundits;
More information about me can be found on MY PERSONAL WEBSITE
If you share similar interests, feel free to CONNECT with me;
