Ransomware And How to Avoid Being Hacked.

Hello all technology sage readers. Welcome again and today, I want us to learn about ransomware and how to avoid being hacked. Hacking itself sounds like the things we watch in movies about hired hackers behind computers hacking big firms and government mainframes for information or for sabotage. But hacking in real life is real. Ok, it will not be real to you until it happens to you. First, you need to understand what hacking is. Hacking, is unauthorized access to a digital electronic device like a phone, a computer, a server or a website remotely with the intention of stealing information, deleting or editing it without permission.

With the sky rocketing number of cyber crimes on the toll, you have to be very careful at all times. Technology sage, offering technological solutions being main goal, we feel like we should inform and educate all our readers to keep themselves safe from ransomware and internet hacking at all times. Also read: Key Ways Technology Has Changed Everyday’s Life

Facts About Ransomware and How to Keep your Computers safe..

Before we move on to learn about ransomware, first of all we should know what ransomware is. Isn’t it?

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Ransomware are kind of programs that hackers use to attack computers. When installed, the ransomware programs take over your files and encrypt them so that you can no longer access them. These ransomware, I know you might be wondering where they come from. Ransomware are like viruses. They are mostly picked from the internet. They are found in various websites disguised as software or computer programs you on the internet. Those programs come looking like just the ones you are looking for. It is always easier to download them without much effort since the person who created them with the intention of hacking you, wants to make it easier for you to easily download it. Say for example, you are looking for Android VCOM drivers. On Google search in your browser, you will search for Android VCOM drivers and click on the search button and then wait for search results. You will now see from your search results that there are many websites that offers Android VCOM drivers. So, you choose just one to download from. Now, a hacker will have a website also offering that file. That file will not actually be Android VCOM drivers, but just ransomware files, wrapped up together in a file named Android VCOM drivers. This will prompt you to download the file thinking it is the one. After you download and unzip (if it is a zip file), the program will now install other hidden programs that were not intended. This will in turn have your computer and hard drives terrorized and your whole system and files held hostage!

How ransomware works.

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As I said earlier, ransomware are just programs made to look like computer software and files that after they are installed, takes control of your files by encrypting them. As soon as you install the decoy program, other little malicious programs install automatically and takes control of your computer. With time, as you continue using your computer, they infiltrate your hard drives and encrypt almost every content in folders. This, they do by adding certain file extension that your computer operating system doesn’t recognize. This makes it hard for you to access all your documents. When it dawns on you that your most important files have been held captive, it is the most painful thing to go through ad leaves you asking how did that just happen? In every folder, there will be a text document indicating the contacts or website or kind of procedure to follow in order to get your files released by these particular hackers. Usually for your files to be released, you will have to pay a ransom in terms of money. If you don’t comply, then your troubles continue. You will be required to just format your computer and lose all your files and just start again. What if they are so important and some are office documents?

How to avoid Ransomware and other malware from the internet.

From the review above, I think you have realized how serious this is and how big it could cost you in case you find yourself in a ransomware situation. Internet is a place you cannot just stay away from. But there are some safety measures you can take to avoid ransomware and other malware from the internet.

  1. Since ransomware is picked from the internet, it is good to be cautious of the websites you visit. Always make sure that you visit websites that are secure. To know if a website is secure or not, always check the sign of a padlock in the address bar of the website from your browser. This is a clear indication that that website is secure.
  2. Always avoid downloading just any content from the internet or just any other website. If it is possible, download content from well known websites that have got a good reputation. If you feel paranoid about a certain website or the contents you downloaded, just don’t download anything from that website. It might just save you.
  3. Always. I repeat, ALWAYS have an antivirus software program installed on your computer or laptop. If your computer doesn’t have one, the attackers know that you are vulnerable. Antivirus will help you remove viruses or delete them automatically before you install such programs or even warn you.
  4. Avoid open links from malicious emails from websites you have not subscribed. This usually is the avenue through which ransomware gets to your machine. The moment you click on those links and download content you don’t know, that’s the way you unknowingly invite ransomware to your machine.
  5. For safe browsing experience, it is wise to have ad locker extensions inn your browsers. This will help to automatically block other malicious websites from sending unwanted ads from the internet.
  6. Always have ant-ransomware software installed on your machine. There are many software that can offer that. But the most popularly known best anti ransomware tools are Kerspersky, Bitdefender and McAfee. This will help you protect your computer and your browsing experience at all time.
  7. Lastly, always have a backup plan. Always have a separate storage device where you save all your important documents so that in case you are hacked and you files on your computer are held hostage and you don’t have money to pay and have them back, you can wipe your computer and restore your files again from the backup storage.
I am a tech enthusiast with a passion for all things mobile phones, computers, software, games, and general technology tricks, tweaks & Mods. I pride in sharing this knowledge through blogging.