Sports From Anywhere: How Technology Changes the Game

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Sports From Anywhere: How Technology Changes the Game

With new technological advances, it’s no wonder sports has also revolutionized itself. Years ago, watching sports online would have been an impossible dream, yet nowadays, you can watch live broadcasts with just a one-minute difference. From how you play and watch the game, there’s no denying that technology has changed how you experience sports.

Moreover, it changed not only broadcasting but also other aspects. If you’re curious to know about the other ways technology has played its hand in the sports industry, here is a look at a few changes:

Sports Advanced Analytics

Decoding every match is the core of every game. With new technology, there also came a wave of deeper information on player statistics, team play, strategies, and possible outcomes. Not only this, tracking systems were also birthed into existence – where player movements and even ball trajectories were tracked.

In basketball, software such as Intel RealSense 3D analyzes shots and locations. The same goes for automated video analysis for multiple baseball teams or lateral movement analysis for rugby. With these, NRL betting here has never been easier – fans can quickly look into their favorite teams’ performance and decide from there.

Nonetheless, broader analytics and advanced insights give the teams and players game-changing results resulting from new technology. Thus, sports analytics will only increase as the results speak for themselves.

Fan Engagement

Being a spectator or fan had a few downsides, especially when you couldn’t watch the game in real-time. However, fan engagement in the new era has made immersive experiences such as virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) possible.

The difference between the two is simple: VR is entirely virtual, whereas AR optimizes a real-world scenario. Moreover, VR players can control the system. However, AR players can control themselves in the real world. These immersive simulations create an imaginable space for any sports fan to generate a sports scenario or moment of their liking.

Additionally, VR and AR make it possible for broadcasting stations to overlay graphics and information on their screens. Instead of a casual viewing experience, VR or AR gives the fans additional context on the game. Overall, VR and AR make a live sports event more exciting since they increase fan engagement.

Artificial Intelligence

Amid the technological trends, Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes the top spot. This tool analyzes millions of data to predict game outcomes, fan behavior, and player performance. Its predictive power makes it a scary yet handy tool for teams to strategize and make decisions.

According to the Allied Market Research in 2022, global artificial intelligence in the sports industry will make a massive leap in 2030. Since artificial intelligence is alive in post-game analysis, in-game activities, and fan engagements, the market is projected to reach 19 billion dollars.

AI’s reach doesn’t only stop there. For teams, AI can be used to create virtual reality simulations for training and development or to improve the scouting process. For the National Basketball Association (NBA), AI is used in the Global Scout program to measure an athlete’s leap, agility, shooting ability, and overall skills.

Using such allows the team to integrate scouting content like highlights, statistics, and game videos. It can also be used for coaches who want to review the content while reducing the amount of film. Thus, Although AI is still in its early stages, there is no limit to the potential this tool offers. As it grows, the sports industry will discover innovative ways to use it.

Performance Trackers and Enhancement

Although AI can be used to track performances, some innovations focus on a more in-depth examination. Here, wearable devices, smartwatches, and fitness trackers have become a must-need tool for athletes.

These devices provide real-time data on their oxygen levels, sleep patterns, and heart rate – all tailored along their respective training regimens to ensure peak performance during the game. Likewise, these devices also track fatigue levels, reducing any risk of injuries and sickness.

Smart Venues and Stadiums

Sports venues have come beyond your traditional brick-and-mortar. In this new age, smart venues and stadiums have connected into intelligent ecosystems that work hand-in-hand. Here, connectivity on the internet and the stadium’s layout are the central figures.

A faulty layout could mean late data and analytics or faulty connectivity options. However, an excellent smart venue has robust network and connectivity options, operators to monitor such, and teams to help troubleshoot issues and provide real-time data.

Additionally, you don’t have to buy tickets or go out to order food manually. With smart venues, you can watch a live game without any hitch. There are express orders, mobile ticketing, digital employee check-in, and mobile fan experience (helpful to access player and team information, social media updates, and even sports betting).

Final Thoughts

With technology and sports converging, so do sports analysis, performance trackers, fan engagements, and venues change for the better. Moreover, these changes create an era beneficial for athletes to work on their performance and for fans to widen their sports experience. Overall, it’s a front-row change that will be worth it in the upcoming years.


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