5 Ways Technology Can Make You More Productive in Business

Because every workplace is different, implementing new strategies to increase productivity can be difficult. However, one “productivity hack” that is universally beneficial to a business is technology. There’s no denying that proper utilization of today’s tech can greatly improve efficiency, cut down costs, and ease everyone’s workload.

Giving employees access to modern solutions for everyday tasks will greatly influence how work is done, promoting a more productive environment and facilitating more effective communication between team members. With that said, here are five ways that you can use technology and reach your goals faster.

Use a Kanban Board

One of the main factors that create a lack of productivity in the workplace is an unclear insight as to where things are going wrong. A kanban board is a software that’s designed to solve this problem by revealing where you need to improve. As explained by Kanbanize in their guide “The Kanban Board Explained in 5 Simple Steps”, this innovative method involves using a dashboard to visualize the problems preventing a team from completing the task at hand. This way, you can determine where changes need to be made, greatly improving your productivity.

Switch to Payroll Technology

Preparing the payroll is a tedious task. You need to constantly ensure that there aren’t any errors and the regulatory requirements that businesses need to comply with can be a headache to manage. Payroll technology automates most of the payment process, saving you a great deal of time and reducing the possibility of errors or fraud.

Additionally, payroll technology can generally be integrated into a number of other services, such as time-tracking software. This not only saves you from having to calculate what every employee is owed for their work but also improves morale by assuring that everyone gets exactly what they’re owed.

Create Group Chats

It’s estimated that small companies lose around $420,000 per year as a result of poor communication between employees. Unlike traditional methods such as email, a group chat is significantly more efficient and immediately gets the message across to everyone concerned. Business-oriented software such as Slack is ideal for this.

Utilize File Sharing Services

In the same way group chats trump email in terms of efficiently getting messages across, file sharing services make it easier to immediately access files between employees and devices.

Services such as the Google Suite also make it easier to track changes that were made to files and revert any errors, as well as allowing multiple users to seamlessly collaborate on a single project.

Facilitate Remote Work

It’s estimated that by 2020, half of the workforce will be working remotely. With the power of current software and internet services, the need for a fully-fledged office and all the costs that come with it is lessening by the day.

If your employees are able to work remotely, time wasted on commutes and setting up workspaces is no more, allowing everyone to get more done in any given period.


Now is a better time than ever to think outside of the box and find new ways to integrate technology into the business environment. Productivity and efficiency are key to a successful business, so get the most you can out of what technology can offer in this regard.


Technology Sage
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